Facing an Uncertain and Difficult World

Marshall Vian Summers
5 min readOct 31, 2021

It is evident that you are entering into a time of great instability and uncertainty in the world, a time where the Great Waves of change are beginning to strike the world: resource depletion, environmental degradation, violent weather, growing economic and political instability and the risk of war and conflict over the world’s remaining resources.

It is a time that will represent the results of humanity’s misuse and overuse of the world. It is a time where there will be so many currents and cross currents that it will be impossible to predict exactly how things will turn out.

Part of this uncertainty is how people will respond to the Great Waves of change and to their own trials they will be facing within their circumstances. This will affect everyone in the world. It will be most difficult at the outset for the poorer peoples of the world, who will struggle to survive, who will face increasingly pressure — economic pressure, social pressure — as the cost of everything goes up and as opportunities diminish.

But the effect of this will reach far into the wealthy nations, where people everywhere will be losing so much of their wealth as the result of mismanagement and incompetence in managing the financial world. But more significantly, it will be the Great Waves of change that will alter the human landscape.

Do not underestimate the power of the Great Waves. They are far more powerful than economic or political policy or the beliefs and assumptions of the masses of people.

It is a time of great reckoning now, a time of decision, a time to face great uncertainty and upheaval in the world. You will have to face this, and perhaps you are beginning to face it even now.

There is no escaping from this, no escaping into fantasy or self-obsession, no escaping into all the myriad routes of escape that human cultures have created. There is no escaping even logistically. You cannot run away to the country and be safe, for in most cases being isolated there will not be safe at all.

You will see much anger and denial, much blame and condemnation arising as people’s circumstances are altered beyond their control and as their wealth and opportunities diminish in so many cases. You will see the results of people’s lack of vision and preparation regarding the Great Waves of change.

They will be caught off guard. They will be unprepared. And the shock will be very difficult and, in many cases, terrible and extreme. All of a sudden they find themselves now in a changing landscape. Doors are closing to them, and they did not see it coming.

All great change in the world brings with it signs that precede it, signs and indicators. And within you, at a deeper level within you, there is the power and presence of Knowledge, a deeper Intelligence that God has put within you to guide you, to protect you and to lead you to your greater accomplishments in life.

It too has been giving you signs and indicators, but most people do not respond, being preoccupied with their interests, their desires, their difficulties or their conflicts. They are too distracted to recognize either the signs of the world or the signs emanating from Knowledge within themselves.

As a result, people are caught off guard by changing circumstances in the world. They do not respond until the last minute and then it is really too late to do very much at all.

Many people will panic. Many people will turn to very dangerous forms of behavior, of action, while others will simply lose all heart and feel victimized by the very circumstances that they could have foreseen. Many other people are circumstantially so limited or handicapped that they really are not in a position to do much of anything.

The world is changing. The climate is changing. Your circumstances are undergoing a kind of shift, but without a certain outcome. So many things will come into play now that it will be very difficult to foresee the outcome. And how humanity will respond, whether it will unite to face these difficulties or whether it will fight and compete within itself, remains to be seen.

For you, however, it is time to face the reality of the Great Waves of change — to begin to evaluate your position, your circumstances, your strengths, your weaknesses, your assets and your liabilities. You cannot help others or be of much good to the world if you yourself are overwhelmed or overtaken by the great changes that are coming.

There are some things you must do right now. You must learn about the Great Waves of change. You must have the courage and the objectivity to face this, not simply to use it to fortify your existing prejudices, beliefs or attitudes, but to face it as a student would face a new education.

Next, you need to consider where you live, how you live and how you travel about to see if these things are going to be sustainable within the changing circumstances of your life — the kind of work you do, where you live, your transportation, the strength or weakness of your relationships, the strength and weakness of your health — all these things have to be re-evaluated in light of the Great Waves of change.

Yet to find the strength to do this and to find the objectivity and the clarity you will need amidst your own reactions, your own concern, your own frustration, this must come from a greater power within you, from the power of Knowledge within you. Your intellect will be overwhelmed, your emotions will be excited, your frustration will grow and increase as will your anxiety about the future.

You must awaken from your dream of self-fulfillment. You must be willing to reconsider all of your goals and objectives and the value of your relationships in light of the Great Waves of change. You cannot rely upon your own intellect, your own ideas to give you the strength and the objectivity to carry out this evaluation. The power for this must come from a greater power within you, the power of Knowledge.

Knowledge is not afraid of the world. Knowledge is not afraid of change and the possibility of loss and deprivation. Knowledge is not persuaded or manipulated by the values, the beliefs or the assumptions of others.

For Knowledge remains pure within you. It cannot be corrupted. It cannot be persuaded or manipulated by any force in the world or the universe. It represents the seat of your wisdom and the source of your integrity. Only it will have power to enable you to re-evaluate your life wisely, to see what must be altered or changed, to see what must be strengthened and enhanced.

Your mind will be in a state of confusion if you honestly face the Great Waves of change. You will have to admit that you really do not know what to do. You might think you have a plan for immediate circumstances, but things could change a hundred times in ways you cannot anticipate. So you cannot plan very far ahead, and you must question your own assumptions about what will save humanity or rescue humanity.

More about building strength in changing circumstances here.



Marshall Vian Summers

Marshall Vian Summers is an American author and spiritual teacher of The New Message from God.